Easy Meals – Thai Green Curry (6 pack)

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Create an exotic plant-based meal at home in 10 minutes with Well and Good’s Thai Green Curry Easy Meal. A mild green curry sauce combined with nutritious low GI rice makes a flavour-packed meal at home or in the office.

About the Easy Meals range: We’ve chosen your favourite flavours from around the world and created a range of instant, plant-based meals.

The Easy Meals range is made with natural ingredients and is a good source of protein and fibre. It is also free from gluten, dairy, and nuts and suitable for vegans.

What you’ll receive: 6x 120g boxes of vegan rice and sauce mix.
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Easy Meals Thai Green Curry Box
Easy Meals – Thai Green Curry (6 pack)


Michael from Bardon bought this item recently.
SKU: ONL EM-Thai Category: